My strongest desire is to advance the common good and to make the world a better place, every day, everywhere, by :

Advising and influencing CEO's and business leaders in my job as a consultant at KPMG ; Leading people into their most inspiring journey ever ; Teaching and helping younger generations - those who will shape the world of tomorrow ; Counseling and supporting selected political and religious leaders ; Organizing thought-provoking inspirational events like the Essentials ; Connecting people and ideas all the time ; Trying to learn and to write on a regular basis ; Transforming "think tanks" into "action tanks" ; Being a radical optimist ; Most importantly, making my wife Cécile and our 4 children as happy as possible ; Serving God and people ; Investing wisely the 86.400 seconds we get every day to make our world a better place ... And keeping up smiling, no matter what !

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I believe that the role of business and leaders is to make the world a better place.

Bad news: Not everybody in the corporate world thinks the same.
Good news: Many top leaders in the corporate world share my belief!

Looking around, and being in the most catastrophic economic crisis of all times, it is obvious that political, financial and regulatory institutions have failed to make the world a better place. Actually, they made it worst, undoubtedly.

Therefore, if we forget the religious institutions for now, the only viable way out of the crisis is a collective action (not just a reflection) of the business world towards restoring economic stability, creating employment, relaunching consumption, addressing bottom-of-the-pyramid poverty, funding innovation and education, subsidizing health and elderly care, managing environment, ensuring sustainable progress...

All this can only be done in a rapid, inclusive, action-oriented, leadership-driven inclusion of all business/corporate positive efforts towards the "common good" of our society. In this difficult period, the collaboration between the corporate and political worlds is critical... But the leaders must also be constantly reminded of their mission to make the world a better place (and not just to cope with the crisis). Leaders will now be judged on values rather than value only.

I said above that many leaders of the corporate world shared my belief. It is true and will be made visible in a formidable event held tomorrow evening in Paris : the INSEAD Essentials, at Collège des Bernardins, "How to Make the World a Better Place", with inspiring speakers whom I will have the immense pleasure and honor to introduce:

- Clara Gaymard, CEO of GE France
- Kate Robertson, Chairman of Havas Worldwide UK and Founder of One Young World Summit
- Mgr Dominique Rey, Bishop of Frejus-Toulon
- Prof Dipak C Jain, Dean of INSEAD
- Antoine de Saint-Affrique, President of Unilever Foods
- Jacques Garaialde, Partner at KKR and Chairman of Ecole Polytechnique Charitable Trust
- Gonzague de Blignieres, Chairman of Equistone and President Reseau Entreprendre IDF
- Marc de Leyritz, Partner at Egon Zehnder and leader of their CEO Succession practice

These emblematic leaders do share the view that our role is to make the world a better place.

Do you ?

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