My strongest desire is to advance the common good and to make the world a better place, every day, everywhere, by :

Advising and influencing CEO's and business leaders in my job as a consultant at KPMG ; Leading people into their most inspiring journey ever ; Teaching and helping younger generations - those who will shape the world of tomorrow ; Counseling and supporting selected political and religious leaders ; Organizing thought-provoking inspirational events like the Essentials ; Connecting people and ideas all the time ; Trying to learn and to write on a regular basis ; Transforming "think tanks" into "action tanks" ; Being a radical optimist ; Most importantly, making my wife Cécile and our 4 children as happy as possible ; Serving God and people ; Investing wisely the 86.400 seconds we get every day to make our world a better place ... And keeping up smiling, no matter what !

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Radical Optimism

As you all know, one of my intimate convictions is that each of us can contribute to make the world a better place !

Not by participating to the latest think tank on the topic, but by truly engaging oneself in action.

Business (the corporate world) is one of the key actors in making the world a better place, together with governments, NGO's, charities, universities, churches etc...

This is why I created in 2012 the first edition of an annual event : INSEAD Essentials.

Last year's was an enormous success with hundreds of participants and superb panel of speakers. You can watch highlights there: http://vimeo.com/59561402 and all speeches on our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNlslO92BcA

The next INSEAD Essentials will be held in Paris on September 12th in the evening, and I can only encourage you all to register and attend. Early bird booking is now open until August 12th on: http://inseadessentials2-es2.eventbrite.fr/

The theme is of course again "How to make the world a better place" but also focusing on the leadership attitude to do so, i.e. "How to be radical optimists".

Radical optimism of leaders is certainly the number one driver of emotion, engagement and action into delivering a better future to the next generation.

Many emblematic leaders from all horizons have accepted to speak about their engagement, their actions, and their optimism. Let us thank them:

Jean-Marc Liduena,
President INSEAD Alumni Association France and Partner Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

Olivier Giscard d'Estaing,
Co-Founder INSEAD and author of "Espérez, 150 raisons !"

Sir Andrew Large,
Former Deputy Governor Bank of England and former Deputy Chairman Barclays

Monseigneur Dominique Rey,
Bishop Frejus-Toulon Diocese and Doctor in Economy

Bertrand Collomb,
Honorary Chairman Lafarge and Board Member Total and DuPont

Jacques Séguéla,
Co-Founder Euro RSCG and author of "Merde a la déprime"

Francis Morel,
CEO Les Echos

Antonio Horta-Osorio,
CEO Lloyds Group and Governor London Business School

Laurent de Cherisey,
Chairman Simon de Cyrène charity, and author of "Recherche volontaires pour changer le monde"
Barbara Kux,
Chief Sustainability Officer Siemens and Board Member Total and Unicore

Paul Marshall,
CEO Marshall Wace and Co-Founder ARK charity, author of "Tackling education inequality"

Bruno Witvoet,
CEO Unilever France (+ a video interview of Paul Polman, CEO Unilever)

David Jones,
CEO Havas and Co-Founder One Young World Summit, author of "Who cares wins"

Please register and attend the next INSEAD Essentials in Paris,