My dear friends,
My past two years have been formidable, super active, and impactful. I had the privilege to serve Alpha courses association in France as President, in parallel to Deloitte, INSEAD, ExpoFrance2025 and my great family!
Alpha is an adventure... as the advertising with christian icon and former SAS,
Bear Grylls, says... I sat during 5 years on the Board, and the past 2 years as Chairman. Alpha's purpose is to evangelize and to help people find the meaning of life: that's a truly transformational agenda... which requires tremendous and continuous innovation in a volatile, dechristianized society.
When leading Alpha in France (~15 employees and hundreds volunteers), I admit I did not have enough time left to write blog posts on "inspire and connect", my favorite themes in life. Mind you, I did not have time enough also for spending time with friends and family, organizing the annual "Essentials" event, or doing any other pro-bono work for purposeful organizations.
Since I decided, after an intense 5-year service at Alpha, to resign a few months ago, I wanted to reconnect with you today, my dear blog readers and followers ! Just to be clear and to reassure some of you, my resignation had nothing to do with health reasons or work-overload as I heard 😃, but simply with (too) strong disagreement with the (too) longstanding Board vis-à-vis the innovation and rejuvenation agenda that I had set for Alpha. Sadly, change is always hard to accept in established organizations, notably religious ones. Nevertheless, I wish lot of success and courage to the Alpha team and to my future successor, and all possible blessings.
Having turned this page, I am now enjoying some available time aside Deloitte to think about how to best "inspire and connect" people !
Tons of ideas came up from meeting great people, including many of you, in the past months, from the private, public and religious worlds. There are ideas and projects like: Start to blog again; Write a book; Join the board of a start-up; Organize Essentials 2.0 events; Relax and spend more time with the family; Get involved in the local church; Advise a fast-growing diocese; Coach a rising media/medical star; Join the board of the French catholic TV channel; Organize a global
INSEAD Forum in Paris on Digital; Get into politics; Speak about GenY and millenials at the Vatican; Launch a "post-Alpha" course in France...
I already initiated a few of these 😉, with great prudence and discernment of course, as I also changed role at Deloitte on June 1 (more news to follow soon)...
So, as you can see, a lot of possibilities to "inspire and connect" people and ideas.
But I wanted to seek your advice too for this blog: Why would you read my blog posts ? What content would you like to see here ? What kind of "inspire and connect" events would you love to attend ?...
Indeed, I want to be more reader-driven and reader-centric from now on, and your guidance and recommendations would be super useful.
Please do let me know your ideas via this blog, social media, private messages or e-mail me in person to:
Your contribution matters - thanks !